Join us to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of Biodynamic agriculture.
Find Out About the Conference
Find Out About the Re-enactment
Festivities will be held at Long Hungry Creek Farm and the nearby town of Red Boiling Springs, TN.
There are two distinct and intertwined events:
The SE Biodynamic Conference
The 100 Year Re-enactment and Celebration
Our Event Partners
Donations and Sponsorships
These events are community supported. No one is turned away for lack of funds, nor required to commit. We all contribute what we are able, in labor, food, or cash. If you have something to contribute, please investigate our sponsorship and donation options.
The SE Biodynamic Conference
Our 38th annual conference will be held October 4 – 6th.
There will be great speakers and workshops, beautiful meals, and lots of time to mingle and converse. The first two lectures of the Agriculture Course will be read aloud on Saturday and Sunday around 11 am.
Tickets are $100 in advance, and $125 at the door. No one is turned away for financial reasons, but we may ask you to wash dishes.
For more information, schedule updates, and tickets sales.
The 100 Year Celebration and
Stick around after the conference to deepen your understanding and appreciation of biodynamics .
Each day, from Monday, October 7th to Saturday, October 12th, we will gather to read another lecture from the Agriculture Course aloud. We will share lunch, walk around the farm, and enjoy ample time for reflection and conversation about the lecture topics of the day.
For more information and to register your intent to attend.