Things to Know About the 100-Year Re-Enactment

About the readings:

The Agriculture Course

The original attendees of the Agriculture Course 100 years ago were already versed in Anthroposophical concepts. While it is not required to have studied the works of Rudolf Steiner to read the Agriculture Lectures, some previous study will help you better understand the lectures.
Some of the recommend texts for background information are:
The Philosophy of Freedom, available as a book HERE, and as an audio book HERE.
How to Know Higher Worlds, available as a book HERE, and as an audio book HERE.
Occult Science: An Outline (An Outline of Esoteric Science), available as a book HERE, and as an audio book HERE.
Theosophy, available as a book HERE and as an audio book HERE.

For the readings of the Agriculture Lectures, we will be using the George Adams translation. There will be copies available for sale at the JPI book table and some limited photocopies on site as well.

Karma Lectures

We also intend to read some of the Karma Lectures which Dr. Steiner was giving in the evenings after the Agriculture lecture earlier in the day. We will begin with the Karma lectures Sunday evening and will be reading from:
Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies, volume 7, lectures 4 through 9. Lecture 9 will be read Friday evening.

These lectures can be found as a book HERE and as an audio book HERE.

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