Gaby González

Gaby González

Gaby Gonzalez is a soil scientist, an architect and a third-generation Mexican farmer, descended from a proud campesino grandfather and schooled by her father in the ways of modern industrial agriculture, an approach she found seriously flawed. The lessons she learned from both of them found a new meaning when she discovered biodynamic agriculture, lately working deeply with applied BD in the semi dessert of Mexico trying to bring vitality to the dry lands and building a resilient community willing to live in coherence with the changing times. Cofounder of the Mexican Biodynamic Agriculture Association, Impulso Biodinámico de México.

Gaby’s Workshop

Resilience of Change

In this thoughtful workshop, Gaby González invites you to investigate the relationship with our personal direct environment and how it is constantly evolving and changing us from within. This reality evokes in Gaby the recognition that change itself is the biggest lesson of resilience. It is never ending and always depicting itself in profound and beautiful ways in our personal lives and as the expression of its purest essence, in nature. Change is coded within our spirits, though we are sometimes afraid of it, or confused by the shock of abrupt change upon our minds and spirits. Gaby invites you to explore and embrace the experience of change inside ourselves and through the rhythms in nature around us, so that we may become more resilient and work with nature in a way to build resilience in the relation to land stewardship.

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