Jeff Poppen

Jeff Poppen

Jeff Poppen, “The Barefoot Farmer,” owns and operates Long Hungry Creek Farm in Red Boiling Springs, Tennessee. Jeff began farming as a teenager and has been in the field for over fifty years. His approach to farming emphasizes the importance of soil health, viewing it as the primary crop, with vegetables being a by-product of cultivating good soil. The farm is a 320-acre farm that produces vegetables on 8 acres, hay, and cattle on 40 acres, with the rest being in forest. He utilizes Biodynamic principle throughout the farm.

In addition to his farming endeavors, Jeff Poppen is an educator and advocate for biodynamic agriculture. He shares his knowledge with farmers, interns and as a speaker at events locally and nationally. As a speaker, Jeff is know for his deep knowledge of tradition and Biodynamic farming Techniques, his approachability and his good sense of humor. He has contributed to the establishment of several farms in middle Tennessee and is recognized for his holistic view of farming, which integrates spiritual and ecological insights.

Jeff is also an author. He has written a gardening column in a local paper for over 20 years, as well as a number of books. He published two books in 2024, “Barefoot Biodynamics” and “Agriculture Abridged: Rudolf Steiner’s 1924 Course”

Jeff’s Workshops

Garden Tour

The garden tour is a free wheeling trip around the farm. We will stop at various spots around the farm to look at what is going on. This will include the gardens, compost piles, biodynamic preparations, orchards, ponds, woods, pastures, animals, animal handling facilities and other farm infrastructure. It’s a great time for questions and answers in a smaller group with Jeff.

Making Biodynamic Preparations

Over the course of the weekend we will make all of the biodynamic preparations that are made in the fall. This will include stuffing cow horns with cow manure, making camomile sausages, making the oak bark preparation, making the dandelion preparation, and burying all of these. We will also bury the yarrow preparation. People tend to come and go from this workshop as it is a long one!

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