Kristina Villa

Kristina Villa

Kristina Villa is the Co-Executive Director of The Farmers Land Trust. She is a farmer, communicator, and community coordinator who believes that our connection to the soil is directly related to the health of our bodies, economy, and society. With over a decade of farming, communication, and fundraising experience, Kristina enjoys using her skill sets to share photos, stories, and information in engaging ways which help to inspire change in human habits and mindsets, causing the food system, climate, and overall well-being of the world to improve. Kristina has spent the last several years of her professional career saving farmland from development and securing it in nonprofit land holding structures that give farmers, stewards and ranchers long-term and affordable access and tenure to it.

Kristina’s Workshop

Conservation Land Trusts, Community Land Trusts, and Commons Land Trusts. What’s Best for the Future of My Farm?

In this workshop you will learn about the tools and options that have been used for land protection and preservation and how they could support you and your land today. Participants will also learn about a new type of land trust, the commons land trust, centering relationship with land with those most connected to it, healing injustices, and building a collaborative, resilient future for land, food, people, and Earth. In this dynamic and engaging workshop, you will hear how The Farmers Land Trust is evolving beyond solely conserving land to address ownership, access, tenure and stewardship through the Farmland Commons, and is making it open-resource for all.

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