Shabari Bird

Shabari Bird

Shabari is a passionate, inspiring, brilliant woman with a heart of genrosity and compassion. Her lifetime devotion to living in rememberance of the Sacredness of Life, of breath, of water, of soil, of our atmosphere

Shabari is passionate about Agro Homeopathy and has generated conference calls with experts around the globe. Shabari Bird’s husband and friend of 38 years, Hugh Lovel has inspired her to teach: AGRICULTURE CAN BE FREE– How your local weeds become gifts to your farm and gardens through fermentation processes which dynamically transform them into fertilizers, insecticides, and herbicides.

Shabari Bird Lovel is an expert in fermentation. Fermentation dynamically enhances life energy in substances. Shabari’s father Ray Boland taught her how to make European style sauerkraut when she was 15, Shabari teaches How to Make: Natto to prevent osteoporosis, Rice fermentation processes to create Dosa, Koji, Miso, Sake, Sake pickles, Nukazuke pickles. Shabari’s authentic Korean Kimchee is greatly prized by her friends.

Fermented foods became one Shabari’s passions when she was curing herself from terminal cancer at age 24. Although told she would not live out six months, Shabari instead chose life by eating nutritive dense foods and juices. She augmented her recovery with homeopathy, Cherokee Indian herbal formulas, and purification techniques, humble prayers and with God’s Grace. She was cancer free in less than 18 months. With this lifestyle change her passion for Biodynamic and organic agriculture arose. She was the first to introduce her neighbour farmer Hugh Lovel to Biodynamic methods and his mentor Peter Esher.

Enhancing her spiritual life also became a necessity for survival from cancer. She became a student of Dr Rammurti Mishra who was a medical doctor/yogi who authored Fundamentals of Yoga and Textbook of Yoga Psychology. Shabari worked directly with Dr Mishra in his healing practice and also acted as an administrator and program director for his Ananda Ashram in Harriman, NY, USA.

Shabari has founded numerous schools including: The Native Wisdom School as part of the University of East-West Unity, sponsoring over 100 workshops and ceremonies with native and indigenous teachers;

To enhance her 3 children’s education, Shabari co-founded with Susan Jones the first Waldorf School in the southern US, now a 13 year school in Atlanta, Ga.

At her mentor Robert Mueller’s request , Shabari founded the Gaia Institute in Atlanta, Ga. Dr Mueller is the former Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations; Recipient of the UNESCO Peace Award and co-founder of the UN University of Peace in Costa Rica.

Shabari founded the Sacred Drums of the Earth in 1985, fulfilling the vision she received while vision seeking (she fasted 3 days and nights without food and water by a waterfall deep in the forest).

For over a dozen years Shabari and volunteers produced Sacred Drums of the Earth Gatherings and founded drum council circles around the globe. The Sacred Drums of the Earth with Shabari, Jimmy Cliff and 100 Global drummers opened the Global Forum at the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992.

Shabari was greatly honoured by Hanne Strong and husband Maurice Strong http://www.mauricestrong to be one of their 108 Wisdom Keepers at the UN Earth Summit in Rio in 1992. While in Rio, Shabari delivered over a dozen speeches on Earth Restoration at the Global Forum.

Shabari has been interviewed on CNN, Gazes into the Future, and numerous radio shows including Coast to Coast AM and The Art Bell Show with over 3 million listeners.

Shabari Bird is the widow of renowned author Christopher Bird: Secret Life of Plants, Secrets of the Soil; and The Divining Hand: The 500 year mystery of Dowsing

Shabari’s Workshop

Elemental Beings and Nature Spirits : A Remembering

Tune in to the beings that make up the Elemental kingdom. Experience for yourself the subtle flow of energies within the earth. Shabari will give practical exercises for us to joyously rediscover our connection to the world of nature spirits, elemental beings and the Four Wind Beings of our Atmosphere.   Class will be held by the Creek in the shade. Bring a blanket to lie on. The more we connect with nature, the more her elementals and spirits will assist us in developing aliveness for our planet.

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