Steve Diver

Steve Diver

Steve Diver has worked as an Extension Horticulturist, farm manager, and soils consultant for 40 years – including 18 years as an agriculture specialist with ATTRA. He conducted the first biodynamic consultancies for USAID in Russia and India and served on the NOSB Compost Tea Task Force. Steve has lectured and published widely on soil biology, soil health, compost teas and microbial inoculants, composting systems, and organic crop production. He is currently the Farm Superintendent at University of Kentucky’s Horticulture Research Farm in Lexington.

Steve’s Workshop

Beneficial Microbes: How to Grow On-Farm Biofertilizers and View Them Under a Microscope

Steve Diver is setting up a microscope this year, so we can explore the microcosm of soil life. Steve’s work at the University of Kentucky is inspirational, and we have mad respect for his experience bridging biodynamics in the ivory tower. His practical explorations of high-quality farming practices in the midst of our macro-cosmic experiences of biodynamic and anthroposophical theory are always enjoyable.

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